Unlocking potential and transforming the world.
One person at a time!
Life On Purpose Creates:
- Resilient kids
- Nurturing families
- Strong communities
- A more humane world
Through intense experiential training, we guide participants as they learn higher emotional intelligence skills, i.e., increased self-awareness and self-responsibility, resourcefulness, deeper emotional connection and healthy boundary setting, to become fully empowered individuals and achieve dynamic personal growth. Parents get connected to their lives and connected with their children. Children get more connected with their dreams, and families have the potential to be ultimately happier, productive and successful.
The Program
Life On Purpose focuses on personal responsibility skills and building on self-actualization through 7 focus areas.
The Curriculum
Building Sustainable Plans
The Life On Purpose curriculum includes tools and guidance for building a sustainable plan and answering these questions:
For More Information
Life on Purpose
1501 Southern Heights Ave.
Norman, OK 73072
Email: info@life-on-purpose.org
Or click here to contact Coaching Kids.